Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Any ideas on how to keep your kid in bed once they can do this?

Bedtime now takes an extra 2 hours!!


Geri/Cindy said...

I can't believe she would give you any trouble. She is such a beautiful princess. It was great seeing you guys Sunday.

Bryndee Slade said...

uh oh! You're in trouble. I wish I knew what to tell you.

Bryndee Slade said...

P.S. When are you going back?

Julie M. said...

Ahh! Big girl bed, all the way! She's getting so grown up! When do you leave?

Tatiana said...

We need to get together some time before you go back. Send me an e-mail. robkriley@gmail.com

Stacy said...

Looks like it's time for a toddler bed...

I dread the day Madeline figures out how to climb out of her crib because she is the worst when it comes to going down for naps and bedtime...

Good luck!

Rach, Mike, Allie and Hadley said...

Have you read How to solve your child's sleep problems by Ferber? It has a section on this.... just a thought.

Mandi said...

Its time for a big girl bed....We can not wait for you to get here!

The Cowleys said...

Yay! (Not for her crawling out of her crib, but for BLOGS! Now we have no reason to lose touch!) It was so good to see you today! Email me so I can add you to my blog! erincoombs1@msn.com

Addi said...

I remember when Max started climbing out of his bed. Worst day EVER.

If you don't feel like she's ready for a big girl bed, several of my friends have used the crib tent. They all love it. Good luck!