Monday, September 27, 2010

Happy Birthday!

I am terrible at keeping this thing updated! That being said I will backtrack a few weeks...

September 11 marks a memorable occasion. It is Tyler's Birthday! This year he turned 29!!

We celebrated by going to Tucano's for dinner and eating some real Brazilian food! The food was fabulous. Later we had cake and ice cream. Candace and Justin's family came to celebrate with us.

I don't often take the time to tell Tyler how great and wonderful I think he is. He is my hero and my best friend! He is a hard worker, he stands up for what he believes is right, he makes us laugh, he is a great Daddy and husband, he is passionate, he is honest, and he makes his family his number one priority (which I am especially grateful for). I love him for all of this and more!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Brooklyn's Birthdays

Brooklyn's birthday was August 10 and since we were moving during Brooklyn's Birthday she got to celebrate it many times throughout the month.

Birthday with Grandpa & Grandma Woodworth

Birthday with Mom & Dad

The balloon actually sang "Happy Birthday Princess!" Nice touch Dad!

Birthday with Erin, Nick & Megan

(It was Nick's Birthday the next day so we celebrated both birthdays while we were cleaning the apartment for checkouts.)

Birthday with Grandpa & Grandma Gibson

Whenever Brooklyn was asked about her Birthday she talked about having a "Sleeping Beauty Cake." Being the Mother-of-the-Year that I am, I didn't even get her a cake- let alone a Sleeping Beauty one! (In my defense we were moving and cleaning the house to pass ANY inspection.) Thankfully Grandma pulled through! Princess Brooklyn even appeared on the cake!

It has taken quite some time to help her understand that it is not her birthday any more and she doesn't get presents whenever we go to somebody's house.

Thanks to all of you who helped make Brooklyn's Birthday the best one yet!