As if our little girl isn't spoiled enough, this year she got to have
4 Easters!! Tyler's school had an "Easter Break" so we were able to go out to Utah and spend the Holiday with family. I have to admit, of course- Tyler and I were spoiled too!
Easter 1
The Easter Bunny came early to our house because he knew we were leaving. ;0) He left an Easter Basket full of goodies and activities to do on the airplane. Brooklyn's favorite was a Care-Bear Movie.
Easter 2- Grandma & Grandpa Gibson
The Easter Bunny had filled the basement with eggs for the grand kids to find. (And because Brooklyn is the only grandchild, she had a lot of eggs to find!) She got a cute little back pack FILLED with loot. My favorite part was after finding an egg, Brooklyn would open each one and say, "ANNY!" (Candy!)
Easter 3- Woodworth Family Party
Every year the Woodworth Family gets together for an Easter Egg Hunt and for some good quality family bonding time! LeGrand and his family ditched us for some quality bonding time of their own in Florida. We missed them, but I'm sure they were having a blast! I don't know who had more fun finding eggs, Tyler or Brooklyn!
Easter 4- Grandma & Grandpa Woodworth
Easter Sunday we were at Grandma & Grandpa Woodworth's. The Easter Bunny stopped there too! Brooklyn was mostly interested in the stuffed Bunny- which left a lot of candy for Tyler and me!!
Brooklyn wouldn't hold still long enough to get a shot of her Easter Dress, this is the best we got.
Easter was a blast! Holidays are always better when you have family around. Thanks everybody for all the fun!!